How To Draw Anime Face Looking Up

How To Draw Anime Face Looking Up
How to Draw Anime Face Looking Up: A Step-by-Step GuideAnime, with its unique style and expressive characters, has captured the hearts of many art enthusiasts and fans worldwide. One of the fundamental skills every aspiring anime artist should master is drawing different facial expressions. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of drawing an anime face looking up. So grab your sketchbook and let's get started!

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the step-by-step process, it's important to familiarize yourself with the basic proportions and features of an anime face. Start by drawing a circle, which will serve as the head. Divide the circle into halves horizontally and vertically using light guidelines. These guidelines will help you position the facial features accurately.


Step 1: Outline the Head

Begin by sketching a rough outline of the head. Keep in mind that the head will be tilted upwards, so the shape should reflect that perspective. Use light strokes to define the contours and maintain flexibility for adjustments later on.

Step 2: Add Facial Features

Now it's time to add the facial features. Start by sketching the eyes along the horizontal guideline, slightly above the midpoint of the head. Anime eyes are often exaggerated and expressive, so feel free to experiment with different shapes and sizes. Don't forget to include the eyebrows, which will also follow the upward tilt of the head.

Moving on to the nose, draw a small curved line slightly below the vertical guideline. Keep it simple and subtle, as anime noses are generally less detailed. Finally, add the mouth by drawing a curved line below the nose, conforming to the overall perspective of the face.

Step 3: Refine the Details

Now that you have the basic facial features in place, it's time to refine the details. Erase any unnecessary guidelines and start defining the eyes, including the pupils, highlights, and eyelashes. Remember to maintain the upward gaze by curving the iris and adjusting the angle of the eyebrows accordingly.

Next, add more definition to the nose by shading or lightly sketching the nostrils. Pay attention to the shape of the mouth and add any additional details like lips or teeth. Take your time to ensure the features align with the overall perspective and maintain a harmonious look.

Step 4: Hair and Neck

Moving on to the hair, sketch the general shape and flow of the hairstyle. Anime hairstyles are often vibrant and dynamic, so don't be afraid to add your unique touch. Remember to consider the head's perspective and adjust the hair accordingly.

Finally, draw the neck to complete the overall structure. Keep it slender and curved, in line with the upward gaze of the face. Ensure that the neck aligns with the head and maintains a proportional look.

Step 5: Add Shadows and Highlights

To bring your drawing to life, add shadows and highlights. Determine the light source and imagine how it would interact with the various facial features. Use shading to create depth and add highlights to make certain areas pop. This will enhance the three-dimensional quality of your drawing and make it more visually appealing.


Drawing an anime face looking up may seem challenging at first, but with practice and patience, you can achieve impressive results. Remember to pay attention to the proportions and perspective, and don't be afraid to experiment with different styles. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be able to create captivating and expressive anime characters in various poses and angles.


1. How long does it take to master drawing anime faces?

Mastering the art of drawing anime faces takes time and practice. It varies from person to person, but with consistent effort, you can see significant improvement within a few months.

2. Are there any recommended tools for drawing anime?

While you can start with just a pencil and paper, having a set of fine-tipped pens, colored markers, and a blending tool can greatly enhance your anime drawings.

3. Are there any specific techniques for drawing expressive eyes?

Yes, there are various techniques to make anime eyes more expressive. Experiment with different shapes, sizes, and positions of the pupils, as well as emphasizing highlights and using different line weights.

4. Can I add my own style to anime drawings?

Absolutely! Anime style allows for individual creativity and interpretation. Feel free to add your own unique touches and experiment with different elements to create a style that reflects your artistic vision.

5. What are some good resources for learning more about anime art?

There are several online tutorials, books, and communities dedicated to teaching and sharing anime art. Websites like DeviantArt and YouTube channels of professional artists can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Now that you have the basics of drawing an anime face looking up, it's time to grab your sketchbook and start practicing. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and exploring your creativity. With dedication and passion, you'll soon be able to create captivating anime characters with ease. Happy drawing!

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