How To Draw A Round Face

How To Draw A Round Face
How to Draw a Round Face: A Step-by-Step GuideAre you interested in learning how to draw a round face? Drawing a face can be a challenging but rewarding experience, and understanding the basic techniques can help you create realistic and captivating portraits. In this article, we will guide you through the process of drawing a round face, providing you with step-by-step instructions and useful tips. So, let's get started!

Understanding the Basic Structure of a Round Face

To begin, it is important to grasp the fundamental structure of a round face. A round face typically has soft, curved lines, with a width and height that are almost equal. The cheekbones are usually the widest part, and the jawline is less defined compared to other face shapes. Keeping these features in mind will help you achieve accuracy in your drawing.
![Round face](

Step 1: Outline the Shape

Start by drawing a circle to represent the head. This will serve as the foundation for the round face. Remember to keep your lines light and faint, as you will be refining and adding more details later.

Step 2: Locate the Facial Features

Next, divide the circle into halves both horizontally and vertically. This will help you position the facial features accurately. The horizontal line should be placed slightly above the center, as round faces tend to have more space between the eyes and the chin.

Step 3: Draw the Eyes and Eyebrows

Moving on to the eyes, draw two almond shapes along the horizontal line. Round eyes tend to be wider, so make sure to leave enough space between them. Add details such as the iris, pupil, and eyelashes to bring them to life. Above the eyes, draw gently curved eyebrows that follow the shape of the eyes.

Step 4: Shape the Nose and Lips

Position the nose along the vertical line, slightly below the center. A round face often has a shorter nose, so keep that in mind while sketching. For the lips, draw a curved line that stretches from one end of the horizontal line to the other. Round faces typically have full lips, so you can emphasize that in your drawing.

Step 5: Define the Cheeks and Jawline

To capture the roundness of the face, add volume to the cheeks by drawing curved lines that extend from the sides of the nose to the edges of the face. The jawline should be soft and less defined, so avoid sharp angles. Remember to adjust the width of the face accordingly as you refine these features.

Step 6: Refine and Add Details

Now that you have the basic structure, it's time to refine your drawing and add more details. Erase any unnecessary lines and darken the crucial ones. Start by adding shadows to give depth and dimension to the face. Observe how the light falls on a round face and shade accordingly. Pay attention to the areas around the eyes, nose, and lips, as they tend to cast shadows.

Step 7: Bring Your Drawing to Life

To make your drawing more realistic, focus on smaller details. Add highlights to the eyes to create a sparkle, and add texture to the eyebrows and eyelashes. Don't forget to add shading and highlights to the lips to make them appear three-dimensional. Take your time to refine these features, as they can greatly enhance the overall look of your drawing.


Drawing a round face requires a keen observation of the unique features and proportions associated with this face shape. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can improve your skills and create captivating portraits with confidence. Remember to practice regularly and experiment with different techniques to further enhance your drawing abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use this guide to draw other face shapes?

Absolutely! While this guide focuses specifically on drawing a round face, many of the techniques and principles discussed can be applied to other face shapes as well. Adjustments may be necessary to capture the distinct features of different face shapes.

2. How long does it take to become proficient in drawing faces?

Becoming proficient in drawing faces requires time, practice, and patience. The learning curve varies for each individual, but with consistent effort and dedication, you can see significant improvement over time.

3. Are there any recommended drawing tools for beginners?

For beginners, it is advisable to start with basic drawing tools such as pencils (HB or 2B) and sketchbooks. These tools are versatile and easy to work with, allowing you to focus on honing your skills without the complexities of advanced materials.

4. Can I use tracing as a learning tool?

Tracing can be a useful learning tool for beginners, as it helps in understanding proportions and shapes. However, it is important to transition from tracing to freehand drawing as soon as possible to develop your own style and improve your skills.

5. Are there any online resources for further learning?

Yes, there are numerous online resources available for further learning, including video tutorials, online courses, and social media platforms where artists share their techniques and tips. Take advantage of these resources to supplement your learning and gain inspiration from other artists.

Video How to draw face for beginners tutorial

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