How To Sketch A Face On Procreate

How To Sketch A Face On Procreate
How to Sketch a Face on Procreate: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners


Are you an aspiring artist who wants to learn how to sketch a face on Procreate? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to create stunning portraits using this popular digital art app. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience with Procreate, this guide will help you improve your skills and create realistic and captivating face sketches. So, let's dive right in!

Getting Started with Procreate


Before we begin sketching, let's familiarize ourselves with the Procreate app. Procreate is a powerful digital art tool available exclusively for iOS devices. It offers a wide range of brushes, layers, and customization options that make it a favorite among artists worldwide.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Canvas

The first step in sketching a face on Procreate is setting up your canvas. Start by creating a new document by tapping the + icon on the top right corner of your screen. Choose the dimensions and resolution that suit your preferences.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Brushes

Procreate provides a vast collection of brushes. Experiment with different brush styles to find the ones that suit your desired sketching style. For sketching a face, it is recommended to start with a basic pencil brush to create the initial outlines and shapes.

Sketching the Face


Now that we have our canvas set up and brushes selected, let's begin sketching the face on Procreate. Follow these steps to create a realistic portrait:

Step 1: Basic Outlines

Start by lightly sketching the basic outlines of the face using your chosen pencil brush. Focus on the main features such as the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips. Don't worry about adding too much detail at this stage.

Step 2: Adding Facial Features

Once the basic outlines are in place, it's time to add more detail to the facial features. Use smaller brush sizes to define the eyes, nose, and lips. Pay attention to proportions and try to capture the unique characteristics of the person you are sketching.

Step 3: Shading and Texturing

Shading and texturing are crucial to bringing your sketch to life. Experiment with different brush opacities and sizes to create realistic shadows and highlights. Pay attention to light sources and how they affect the face. This step requires patience and practice, so don't be afraid to make adjustments as you go along.

Tips for Improving Your Face Sketches

Now that you have the basics of sketching a face on Procreate, here are some additional tips to help you improve your skills:

1. Study Facial Anatomy

Understanding the structure and anatomy of the face is essential for creating accurate and realistic sketches. Study different facial features and proportions to enhance your drawing skills.

2. Experiment with Different Styles

Don't be afraid to explore different sketching styles and techniques. Procreate offers a wide range of brushes and effects that can help you create unique and captivating portraits.

3. Practice Regularly

Like any skill, practice is key to improving your face sketching abilities. Set aside dedicated time to sketch faces on Procreate regularly. The more you practice, the better you will become.


Sketching a face on Procreate can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. With the right tools, techniques, and practice, you can create stunning portraits that capture the essence of your subject. Remember to experiment, be patient, and have fun with your sketches. So, grab your iPad, open Procreate, and let your creativity soar!


1. Can I sketch on Procreate without any prior drawing experience?

Yes, Procreate is designed to be user-friendly and accessible for artists of all skill levels. With practice and patience, you can create beautiful sketches even as a beginner.

2. Can I import reference photos into Procreate?

Absolutely! Procreate allows you to import reference photos directly into your canvas, making it easier to capture accurate proportions and details.

3. How can I undo mistakes while sketching on Procreate?

Procreate offers an undo button on the top toolbar, making it easy to correct any mistakes or changes you want to revert. You can also customize gestures to perform undo actions.

4. Can I export my sketches from Procreate?

Yes, Procreate allows you to export your sketches in various file formats, including PNG, JPEG, and PSD. You can easily share your artwork on social media or print it out for display.

5. Are there any online tutorials or resources to help me learn more about sketching on Procreate?

Yes, there are numerous online tutorials, YouTube channels, and Procreate communities where you can learn and engage with fellow artists. Take advantage of these resources to further enhance your skills and explore new techniques.

Video You Can Draw This FACE in PROCREATE - Beginner Tutorial with free Procreate brushes

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