How To Draw An Oblong

How To Draw An Oblong
How to Draw an Oblong: A Step-by-Step GuideIntroduction:Drawing is a wonderful form of self-expression and creativity. Whether you are an aspiring artist or just looking to enhance your skills, learning how to draw different shapes is an essential foundation. In this article, we will focus on how to draw an oblong, a shape that is widely used in various art forms. So grab your pencil, paper, and let's get started!

Understanding the Oblong:

Before we dive into the drawing process, it's important to understand what an oblong is. An oblong is essentially an elongated oval shape, resembling a stretched-out circle. It has two long parallel sides and two short parallel sides, with rounded edges. Now that we have a clear picture in mind, let's move on to the step-by-step guide on how to draw an oblong.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials:

To begin, gather all the necessary materials. You will need a pencil, a piece of paper, an eraser, and a ruler. Having a ruler will help you maintain the symmetry and proportions of your oblong.

Step 2: Draw the Base Line:

Start by drawing a horizontal line across the middle of your paper. This will act as the base for your oblong. Use your ruler to ensure the line is straight and evenly placed.

Step 3: Add the Top and Bottom Curves:

Next, draw two curved lines above and below the base line. These lines will determine the height and width of your oblong. The curves should be gentle and smooth, gradually curving inwards towards the center.

Step 4: Connect the Sides:

Now, connect the ends of the top and bottom curves with two straight lines on each side. These lines should be parallel to each other and slightly curved towards the center, creating a rounded effect.

Step 5: Refine the Shape:

Take a step back and observe your oblong. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the proportions are accurate. Use your eraser to remove any unwanted lines or mistakes.

Step 6: Add Details:

If desired, you can add details to your oblong drawing. This could include shading, highlighting, or additional lines to create a three-dimensional effect. Experiment and let your creativity flow!


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to draw an oblong. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and exploring different shapes and forms. With time and dedication, you will become more proficient in drawing and unleash your artistic potential.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: Can I draw an oblong without using a ruler?

Absolutely! While a ruler helps maintain precision and symmetry, you can still draw an oblong freehand. Embrace imperfections and remember that each drawing is unique.

Q2: Are there any alternative methods to draw an oblong?

Yes, there are multiple techniques to draw an oblong. Some artists prefer using a compass to create a perfectly symmetrical shape, while others rely on freehand drawing. Explore different methods and find what works best for you.

Q3: Can I use different materials for my oblong drawing?

Certainly! While a pencil and paper are commonly used, you can experiment with different mediums such as charcoal, pastels, or even digital tools. Each material offers its own unique effect.

Q4: How can I make my oblong drawing more realistic?

To make your oblong drawing appear more realistic, focus on shading and highlighting. Observe how light falls on objects and replicate those effects in your drawing. This will add depth and dimension to your artwork.

Q5: What other shapes should I practice drawing?

Drawing various shapes is an excellent way to improve your skills. Besides oblongs, try practicing circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. These foundational shapes will serve as building blocks for more complex drawings.

Remember, drawing is a journey that requires patience and practice. Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and enjoy the process. So go ahead, grab your pencil, and start drawing!

Video Drawing an oval with a compass and no string (very simple)

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