How To Make Slime Using Clear Glue

How To Make Slime Using Clear Glue
How to Make Slime Using Clear GlueSlime has become a popular trend in recent years, captivating kids and adults alike with its squishy, stretchy, and gooey texture. Making your own slime can be a fun and creative activity, and one of the easiest ways to create it is by using clear glue. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making slime using clear glue, providing step-by-step instructions and highlighting some tips and tricks along the way.

Materials Needed:

To get started, gather the following materials:- Clear glue- Liquid starch or borax solution- Water- Food coloring (optional)- Glitter or other add-ins (optional)- Mixing bowl- Measuring cups and spoons- Stirring utensil

Step 1: Prepare the Glue Mixture

Begin by pouring clear glue into a mixing bowl. The amount of glue you use will depend on how much slime you want to make, but a good starting point is around ½ cup. You can always adjust the quantity later if needed. If you wish to add color to your slime, now is the time to add a few drops of food coloring. Stir the glue and food coloring together until well combined.

Step 2: Prepare the Activator

Next, it's time to prepare the activator solution. There are two common options: liquid starch or a borax solution. If you choose liquid starch, slowly add it to the glue mixture while stirring continuously. If you opt for a borax solution, mix 1 teaspoon of borax with 1 cup of warm water until the borax is fully dissolved. Then, add this solution to the glue mixture gradually, stirring as you go. Keep adding the activator until the slime begins to form and pull away from the sides of the bowl.

Step 3: Knead and Customize

Once the slime starts to come together, take it out of the bowl and begin kneading it with your hands. Kneading will help to further activate the slime and make it less sticky. If the slime is still too sticky after a few minutes of kneading, you can add a small amount of liquid starch or borax solution and continue kneading until the desired consistency is achieved.At this stage, you can let your creativity shine by adding various add-ins to your slime. Glitter, beads, or even small toys can be mixed into the slime to give it a unique touch. Just make sure to thoroughly incorporate the add-ins into the slime by kneading them in.

Step 4: Play and Store

Congratulations! You have successfully made your own slime using clear glue. Now it's time to enjoy the squishy and stretchy goodness. Stretch it, squeeze it, and have fun exploring its satisfying texture. Remember to always wash your hands before and after playing with slime to keep it clean.To store your slime, place it in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. This will prevent it from drying out and allow you to enjoy it for days or even weeks to come. If your slime becomes a bit stiff over time, you can revive it by adding a few drops of water and kneading it thoroughly.


Making slime using clear glue is a simple and exciting activity that can provide hours of entertainment. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this article, you can create your own slime masterpiece. Remember to experiment with colors and add-ins to make your slime truly unique. Whether you're a kid or a kid at heart, making slime is a fantastic way to unleash your creativity and indulge in sensory play.


1. Is clear glue necessary for making slime?

No, clear glue is not necessary for making slime. You can also use white school glue or other glue variants to create slime. However, clear glue often gives a more transparent and glossy appearance to the slime.

2. Can I substitute liquid starch with contact lens solution?

Yes, you can substitute liquid starch with contact lens solution that contains borax as an ingredient. Make sure to check the label and use a contact lens solution that specifically mentions borax.

3. Is slime safe for children?

Slime can be safe for children as long as it is made with non-toxic ingredients and used under adult supervision. It's important to ensure that children do not ingest the slime and wash their hands before and after playing with it.

4. My slime is too sticky. How can I fix it?

If your slime is too sticky, you can add a small amount of liquid starch or borax solution to it and continue kneading until it reaches the desired consistency. Be cautious not to add too much activator, as it can make the slime too stiff.

5. Can I store slime for a long time?

Slime can be stored for several weeks if kept in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. However, be aware that over time, slime may lose its stretchiness and become less enjoyable to play with.

Video making a clear glue slime

View Video for how to make slime using clear glue

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